Clean Kitchen boosts GP by 4% with Nory’s crucial performance insights

Clean Kitchen boosts GP by 4% with Nory’s crucial performance insights

Clean Kitchen started back in 2020 as a dark-kitchen operation, when Mikey Pearce began cooking and selling plant-based food from his Aunt’s kitchen during the COVID-19 lockdown. 

With a vision to change the future of food by making plant-based meals the brand has now expanded into traditional brick-and-mortar restaurants. They have big plans on the horizon to expand and grow, keeping their mission to bring plant-based food to more people at the forefront of their efforts.

The Problem

Before Nory, Clean Kitchen lacked the visibility to truly understand their business operations. They were hitting roadblocks because their systems and processes weren’t working together, making it hard to grow and improve the business.

Access, their former POS system, was overly complex, hindering the team’s ability to harness valuable insights crucial for growth. This complexity extended to recipe standardisation, stock counts, and overall process alignment, creating a fragmented operational framework. 

Similarly, labour scheduling, a critical component of restaurant management, was mired in inefficiency due to reliance on outdated Excel spreadsheets, complicating staff communication and optimal shift planning.

They needed something intuitive that could optimise their labour scheduling, deliver a better staff experience, and boost productivity. Fortunately, they found Nory. 

The Solution

Through a seamless integration with Vita Mojo, Clean Kitchen now has the full visibility they needed into sales and performance in real-time. By tracking performance each day, and even breaking it down hour-by-hour, Clean Kitchen are empowered to make quick and informed decisions that maximise efficiency.

Having all this information in a central location has also helped Clean Kitchen align its processes, standardise recipes, and ensure customers get the best food possible. 

Clean Kitchen finally said goodbye to spreadsheets with Nory’s workforce management features. The user-friendly interface of Nory allowed for seamless adoption by the Clean Kitchen team, facilitating access to crucial business metrics on various devices. GMs can now forecast demand to schedule staff as efficiently as possible. While employees can access shift schedules, see when they’re due to work, and make requests to change shifts in one place. 

“It’s given our team the functionality to do everything from their phone.”

Clean Kitchen was also able to reduce labour costs by 3% since using Nory, mostly from understanding how to calculate NI and pension contributions as part of their budget.

Most importantly, Nory has helped Clean Kitchen elevate its sustainability initiatives by reducing food waste. How? By improving stock management. 

With real-time access to restaurant data, Clean Kitchen sees a line-by-line breakdown of costs, usage, and profits from food items. They can now make informed decisions about how to improve their stock management, ensuring they only order the ingredients they need to reduce costs and minimise food waste.

This visibility and traceability over stock has resulted in 4% decrease in the cost of goods sold (COGs)—thus increasing GP by 4%

“Nory will be essential in the next phase of our business. We believe in the system, and we’ve seen how it fits what we need to grow as a business.”

Adam Jefferies, Head of Operations

What’s next for Clean Kitchen?  

Clean Kitchen has big plans for the future of the restaurant. They’re ramping up growth, aiming to open between 50 – 75 restaurants in the next two years. Their ultimate goal is to franchise around the world and grow a global brand.

Nory will be an essential part of this expansion. Our system will help the restaurant track performance, deliver consistency, and identify ways to increase profits as they start to grow and branch out across the UK and around the world. 

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