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Cancel out the chaos: consolidate your restaurant’s tech stack

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Cancel out the chaos: consolidate your restaurant’s tech stack

By Nory - February 1, 2024

It’s no secret that the hospitality industry is changing rapidly. AI is growing thick and fast, customers are pulling back on discretionary spending, and costs are going up. 

In the current climate, you need to be adaptable to the market changes and keep your restaurant profitable. Streamlining your tech stack is a good place to start! 

Keep reading to find out how consolidating your tech stack can improve your restaurant operations and help you thrive in a challenging market. Plus, read through our top tips on how to decide what systems are core and what need to go. 

No need to thank us, you’re welcome. 🤜🤛​​

What Is a Restaurant Tech Stack — & Why Do You Need to Consolidate It?

A restaurant tech stack is the selection of tools and technology you use to manage your restaurant. From point-of-sale (POS) systems to inventory management software — any technology that supports your restaurant operations is part of your tech stack. 

Now, let’s talk about the importance of consolidating and integrating these tools into one central point of control. 

Bundling your tech stack and the various data feeds into a single platform helps you streamline your restaurant operations. You can increase efficiency, reduce complexity, and enhance the customer experience — all of which can help your restaurant remain profitable in the changing hospitality landscape. 

Let’s look at these benefits (and a few others) in more detail. 

Increase Efficiency

With a consolidated tech stack, all your systems talk to each other. Information moves freely between platforms, so you don’t have to manually add data or track valuable information (like food sales or labour productivity) in different locations. 

It also improves accuracy, meaning you spend less time rectifying human errors and more time running your restaurant. 

Reduce Complexity

By streamlining your tech management, systems are easier to manage. For example, you don’t have to flick between different platforms — everything is centralised in one location. 

And because all the systems are aligned, it’s easier to identify and analyse key restaurant data. You don’t have to dig through complicated systems to compare restaurant sales with employee scheduling data. Instead, you can find and analyse this information in one place. 

Enhance the Customer Experience

Aligning your tech stack is a great way to improve the customer experience, but exactly how you improve the customer experience depends on the tools you integrate. 

Typically speaking, consolidating your tech stack makes it easier for diners to book tables, reduces wait times, and improves order accuracy. It provides them with a better dining experience, which boosts satisfaction and increases loyalty. 

Improve Data Management

With integrated systems, data flows freely across systems. This means you can access valuable insights about your restaurant’s performance, customer behaviour, and operational performance. You can then use this information to make strategic and informed decisions about your restaurant. 

Tips to Streamline Your Restaurant Tech Stack

Wondering how to align all your restaurant tech? Don’t worry — follow these tips to get started on the right foot.

  • Audit your current tech stack. Start by reviewing your current tools and technology, looking for areas of improvement. For example, do all your tools integrate with each other? Are there any tools you’re missing in your current stack that would improve your operations? From here, you can identify gaps in your current tech stack and start thinking about how to fill them.
  • Find all-in-one-solutions. Take a look at Nory, as an example. With our restaurant management software, you can monitor sales performance, track your inventory, and create employee schedules in one location. 
  • Use AI tools. AI-powered tools are becoming more and more popular in hospitality, and there’s a reason. They can predict future trends, find new ways to optimise your processes, and make your life a whole lot easier. Think about incorporating AI tools in your tech stack to find new ways to improve your existing operations and increase your profits. 
  • Prioritise integration. When looking for new tools, be sure the platforms integrate with each other. If they don’t, your systems won’t be as streamlined and efficient as they could be (which defeats the point of consolidating your tech stack in the first place 🥴). Most platforms will tell you what systems they integrate with, so glance through this list before you make any final decision. 
  • Regularly optimise your tech stack. Are there any tools that could be improved? Are there new gaps that need to be filled with new technology? Keeping on top of this will ensure your tech stack is as efficient and effective as possible. 

Use Nory to Streamline Your Restaurant Operations 

Consolidating your tech stack is a surefire way to improve your restaurant operations. It streamlines processes, makes it easier to analyse key restaurant data, and increases efficiency across the board. 

And if you’re looking for new software to add to your tech stack, consider an all-in-one platform like Nory! 

With our software, you can track your restaurant performance in real-time, manage your inventory with AI, and create demand-based schedules to improve your rota management. 

If you don’t believe us, take a look at how Passyunk Avenue reduced labour costs by -26% with Nory. 

Plus, you can integrate Nory with external POS systems, payroll software, and other applications to make your life as easy as possible. 

So, what are you waiting for? Talk to the team today! 

FAQs About Restaurant Tech Stacks

What Technology Is Used in a Restaurant?

It varies from restaurant to restaurant.  POS systems, employee scheduling software, kitchen display systems (KDS), inventory management software, and performance management systems are all common examples. 

What Is Needed in a Restaurant Tech Stack? 

You need technology that manages your operations, workforce, inventory, and performance. All tools should integrate, making your tech stack as seamless and efficient as possible. 

Ultimately, any tools that streamline operations, improve efficiency, and help you increase profits are ideal additions to your tech stack.