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Nory’s Culture, Values and Team Off-sites

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Nory’s Culture, Values and Team Off-sites

By Daisy O'Malley - August 16, 2024

What’s in a name? The story behind ‘Nory’

Ever wondered where ‘Nory‘ came from? Well, gather ’round for a quick history lesson! We named ourselves after Tenzing Norgay, the absolute legend who, along with Edmund Hillary, first conquered Mount Everest in 1953. Why? Because just like Norgay supported Hillary’s climb to the top, we’re here to help restaurants reach their peak performance. Pretty cool, right?

Nory’s vision & mission

Our mission is to grow the restaurant industry by providing restaurant businesses with the tools to take control of their performance and destiny. 

What Nory believes in

Let’s be real: the restaurant industry is tough. It’s a massive part of our social fabric, but it’s also facing some serious challenges. 

Restaurant operators are often struggling to keep their heads above water, battling to control their business performance and profit margins. It’s stressful, it’s uncertain, and frankly, the tech support they’re getting just isn’t cutting it. That’s where Nory comes in. We’re here to provide tools and technology that can re-stack the odds of success in favour of restaurant operators around the world. 

Nory’s Secret Sauce: Our Values

1. Problem first: We commit to solving problems and not creating solutions.

2. To be big, start small: We have a big hairy vision. To reach it we need to start small and ship consistent, coherent and focused products.

3. Make everyday count: Our mission is to disrupt an entire sector. To do that we need to move fast. To move fast, everyday needs to have an impact.

4. Keep it simple: We will trade off almost anything to keep our product or our processes simple.

5. First team first: Our first team is the whole group, not our individual teams. We look beyond our titles, and care about each other’s success personally.

At Nory, we embrace remote work whilst maintaining our Dublin office as a hub. Our team is constantly connected through a suite of tech tools – Slack for quick chats, Notion for collaborative documentation, and video calls for face-to-face interactions. These digital platforms are brilliant for our day-to-day work, however, they can’t quite replicate the magic of in-person interactions. 

That’s why we make a big deal out of getting together in person throughout the year. It’s not just about work – it’s about building those bonds that make us a real team. 

Take our recent shindig in Barcelona. We:

  • Handed out team awards based on our core values (because who doesn’t love a bit of recognition for embodying what Nory’s all about?)
  • Chatted with our customer Badiani (and sampled their mind-blowing gelato – tough job, but someone’s gotta do it!)
  • Cooked paella together (turns out we’ve got some secret chefs in our midst)
  • Sipped on local Spanish wine (for cultural research purposes, of course)

These value-based awards aren’t just a pat on the back – they’re a celebration of the Nory spirit in action. Whether it’s someone who’s been exceptionally ‘Problem First’ in tackling a tricky customer issue, or a team member who’s truly embraced ‘Always Learning’, these awards shine a spotlight on what makes Nory, well, Nory.

Maintaining Nory’s culture through growth

We’re pumped to be in a growth stage, with our team growing rapidly πŸš€ (1st photo: Dublin, 2023, 2nd photo: Barcelona, 2024)

Nory employees at team offsite in Barcelona, July 2023

But here’s the thing: we’re dead set on keeping our culture and values alive. As we welcome fresh faces, we’re not just handing them a laptop and a company t-shirt (though they get those too, obviously). We’re bringing them into the fold of our culture – that unique blend of innovation, determination and passion. 

That’s why these in-person get-togethers are more crucial than ever. They’re an opportunity for our values to come alive, and for our shared mission to become more than just words on a website.

So, as we continue to grow, we’re committed to keeping that Nory spark alive. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about how many of us there are – it’s about who we are together.

Why Nory Cares So Much About This Stuff?

Here’s the deal: we’re not just trying to build a company, we’re trying to grow an entire industry. And that takes more than just a bunch of talented individuals – it takes a real team.

By bringing everyone together and creating shared experiences, we’re building something special. It means:

1. We come up with better ideas (because great minds think alike, but different minds think of new things)

2. We understand each other better (which means we can support each other and our customers better)

3. We’re more motivated (because we’re not just working for ourselves, we’re working for our team)

4. We’re tougher (because when the going gets tough, we’ve got each other’s backs)

In short, all this team bonding stuff isn’t just about having a good time (though that’s definitely a perk). It’s about building the kind of team that can genuinely shake things up in the restaurant world. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to be part of that?

Interested in joining the Nory crew?

Check out our current job openings.